Chancel Choir

This beautiful music doesn’t happen by accident. Talented church members, supplemented by gifted professionals, rehearse each Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. to blend their voices under the direction of our Director of Music Roy Daniels. Some of our members have been with the choir for over twenty years. Having the Blucher family organ and grand piano available supplements our choir’s musical talents.
Roy invites everyone in our congregation who enjoys singing to come to the Wednesday night practices and give it a try. You don’t need an extensive musical background. You can learn from the other choir members, and receive special training from Roy if desired.
If you want to “make a joyful noise” but absolutely cannot sing, Roy suggests that you join our handbell choir, which rehearses immediately following worship each Sunday. You don’t have to be able to read music for the handbells; but, according to Roy, you do have to be able to count to four.
We celebrate our music program at First Presbyterian Church and encourage everyone to consider participating in our Chancel Choir or handbell activities.